About Kirith Hale
Here, I will talk about myself, something I would rather not do. But to give you an idea about who I am, I feel I must.
I was born in France in an army hospital while my father was stationed there. He brought my mother with him while he served. They were both born in western Colorado. After my father finished his tour of service, we headed back to Colorado, where I was raised.
I spent much of my youth in the mountains. My father and grandfather taught me how to fish and hunt. I grew to love just walking and hiking through the mountains. I felt more at home there than anywhere else.
At first, I was thinking of going into the ministry. I had been spending much of my high school years going to church and learning about God and all that the church taught. After going to a Christian Junior College for a year, I decided that wasn't the path I wanted to follow. I did the most strange thing instead. I joined the marines.
This was a life changing experience and gave me the time I needed to sort myself. After my tour, I returned home and spent more time in my beloved mountains. I had grown much and had a sharper focus than I had before the military. Having ADHD didn't help, but I did learn to control it better. The mountains helped free my mind. I have always loved the mountains in Colorado and up until my amputation, I loved to walk in their wilds.
I have always liked and appreciated what nature had to offer. My time spent in the mountains only heightened that appreciation. At times, I could almost feel the pulse of natures energy all around me. I felt that nature was talking to me. This is what I am trying to instill in my books. That sense of all nature around me. The sense that everything in nature has a voice. It is just difficult to learn how to listen.
Some of the images I have included are from my favorite haunts in the Rockies. I also included a group picture of those that climbed the mountain near where we camped every year, to put my mom to rest next to my dad. It was a difficult climb, but even with a prosthetic, my determination helped me get there.
I have always been a reader and found immense joy in science fiction and science fantasy most of all. Though I have always been an avid reader of mystery and suspense and the old west. J.R.R. Tolkien, Andre Norton, Frank Herbert and others started me down the path of writing. I started school again and started on my first book in the Silver Magic Chronicles. I even had most of it written before life took over and I had to work. I was going to school for a B.S. in Computer Science. Though I did get an associates degree, I never finished my fourth year to get my B.S. Some of my early courses were focused on writing and brought out some of my creativity and being able to put it on page. Nothing that will ever get published, but it still helped forge my mind.
I got married and had two kids, the best thing that had ever happened to me. I enjoyed raising them and tried to teach them what I learned and loved. I think they turned out to be pretty good kids.
I did go on a few cruises and found I had an equal affinity to the ocean that I had with the mountains. I could feel the power of the ocean as it called to me, even if I wasn't near it.
When I got an infection in my foot, it spread quickly. I ended up needing an amputation or I wouldn't be here writing about myself. I spend some time in a wheel chair, but when I have my prosthetic, I am able to get around pretty good.
I retired after a long career of being a software engineer managing and creating medical software that has been in use in the medical industry for many years. An achievement I am very proud of.
Retiring meant that I could finally return to writing that first book from the Silver Magic Chronicles, thirty years later. It is in the final stages of being published. Books two and three are finished and the editors have them currently. I have started on more stories that take place on Caladan. But they will also introduce some other realms and worlds both wondrous and dangerous. Many more adventures are coming. Now that I have the time to write, I will let my wild imagination lead me to many more places, as yet unexplored.
I still read a lot and I found Lindsey Buroker, K.F. Breene, C.J. Archer, Lindsey Hall, Jen L Gray, Heather G. Harris, and several others have given me some ideas about writing in the rural fantasy genre. There will likely be much of their influence in all of my books.
I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I have enjoyed writing them.